Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!
Let's study Japanese grammar together.
Let's study Japanese grammar together.
N=Noun(名詞 めいし)
First impressions matter when meeting new people.
In this blog, we'll explore the use of "~は~です," a common grammar structure in Japanese self-introductions.
Let's study the grammar "N1はN2です" in order toenhance cross-cultural communication.
※The link to the YouTube video is at the bottom of the page.
・This sentence pattern is often used to express the attributes of the subject in the predicate, as in "わたしは がくせいです(Watashi wa gakusei desu)。", which means "I am a student", or to express equivalence, as in "これは りんごです" (Kore wa ringo desu), which means "This is an apple."
"N1はN2です" consists of two parts.
The first part, marked with "は" (wa).
"は"(wa) is one of particles. This particle indicates that the noun before it (N1) is the topic of the sentence.
The second part, "です" (desu).
"です (desu)" is an auxiliary verb that expresses assertion (means "to be") ,like " is" or "am" in English, in a polite manner to the listener.
・(Postpositional)Particles: To attach themselves to nouns and indicate how the nouns relate to the sentence. They serve the same purpose as a preposition but come after the noun.
・ auxiliary verb: a verb such as be, do and have used with main verbs to show tense, etc. and to form questions and negatives.
※Remember that Japanese uses SOV (subject-object-verb).
Here are some examples you can use to introduce yourself.N2: Name
①わたしは やまだです。 (Watashi wa yamada desu.)
I am Yamada.
②わたしは ジョン・スミスです。
(Watashi wa Jon Sumisu desu.)
I'm John Smith.
③わたしは サラです。
(Watashi wa Sara desu.)
I am Sarah.
④こちらは すずきさんです。
(Kochira wa Suzuki-san desu.)
This is Ms. Suzuki.
⑤こちらは パクさんです。
(Kochira wa Paku-san desu.)
This is Mr. Park.
N2:~じん(jin):nationality/ race
※The word "jin" can be added to the name of a country to indicate its nationality. e.g.にほんじん(nihonjin):Japanese
①わたしは にほんじんです。
(Watashi wa nihonjin desu.)
I am Japanese.
②わたしは フィリピンじんです。
(Watashi wa firipinjin desu.)
I am Filipino.
(Kurea-san wa doitsujin desu.)
Claire-san is German.
④パクさんは かんこくじんです。
(Paku-san wa kankokujin desu.)
Mr. Park is Korean.
⑤ブラウンさんは アメリカじんです。
(Buraun-san wa amerikajin desu.)
Ms. Brown is American.
N2: Occupation
①わたしは がくせいです。
(Watashi wa gakusei desu.)
I am a student.
②わたしは エンジニアです。
(Watashi wa enjinia desu.)
I am an engineer.
③サラさんは いしゃです。
(Sara-san wa isha desu.)
Sarah-san is a doctor.
④パクさんは かいしゃいんです。
(Paku-san wa kaishain desu.)
Mr. Park is an office worker.
⑤ブラウンさんは プログラマーです。
(Buraun-san wa puroguramā desu.)
Ms. Brown is a programmer.
※Sentences without subjects are very common in Japanese. If the subject is clear to the listener, speakers can omit it.
e.g. はじめまして。わたしは やまだです。にほんじんです。がくせいです。どうぞ よろしくおねがいします。
(Nice to meet you. I am Yamada. I am Japanese. I am a student.)
・💁The link to YouTube video ↓↓