Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!
Let's study Japanese grammar together.
Let's study Japanese grammar together.
※The link to the video is at the bottom of the page.
「の(no)」is a particle which connects two nouns.
Noun1 modifies following Noun2.
Noun1 modifies following Noun2.
・(Postpositional)Particle: A word that fleshes out the meaning of the noun in the sentence, that serve the same purpose as a preposition but come after the noun.
Let's see how it connect two nouns in the following example.
👉N1 is a name of a group(company,school...) which N2 belongs.
1. わたしは ふじだいがくの がくせいです。
Watashi wa Fuji daigaku no gakuseidesu.
Watashi wa Fuji daigaku no gakuseidesu.
I am a student of Fuji universty.
2. わたしは トヨタの しゃいんです。
Watashi wa Toyota no syaindesu.
I am an employee of Toyota.
Watashi wa Toyota no syaindesu.
I am an employee of Toyota.
👉N1 owns N2
3. たなかさんの かばん
Tanakasan no kaban
Mr.Tanaka’s bag
4. わたしのしゅみは りょこうです。
Watashi no syumi wa Ryokodesu.
My hobby is traveling.
Tanakasan no kaban
Mr.Tanaka’s bag
4. わたしのしゅみは りょこうです。
Watashi no syumi wa Ryokodesu.
My hobby is traveling.
👉N2 is made in N1 (N1: country or place, N2: product )
5. にほんの くるま
Nihon no Kuruma
a car made in Japan
Nihon no Kuruma
a car made in Japan
6. イタリアのかばん
Itaria no kaban
a bag made in Italy
👉N2 is made of N1(N1: main ingredient or material, N2: thing)
7. これは やさいの スープです。Kore wa yasai no supū desu.
This is vegetable soup.
8. 「からあげ」は とりにくの りょうりです。
Karaage wa toriniku no ryori desu.
Karaage wa toriniku no ryori desu.
"Karaage" is a dish made with chicken.
💁<The link to YouTube video>↓↓