〜たり〜たりします【Japanese grammar commentary】


Elementary grammar

Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!
Let's study Japanese grammar together.


On Monday, if classmates or colleagues asked you what you did this weekend, what would you say?

I cleaned the house, did laundry, cooked, and played soccer. 
Then I met friends for dinner, went shopping, and watched a movie.
I also walked the dog and studied Japanese... I did a lot of things on the weekend, but it would be too long to tell them all.

I would answer,  "友達と映画を見たり、買い物したりしました(ともだちと えいがを みたりかいものしたり しました)。"

Today let's learn about "〜たり〜たりします".


"〜たり〜たりします" is used when stating two examples from among several actions.

The previous example is an example of two of the multiple acts I did over the weekend: seeing a movie with friends and shopping.

 "友達と映画を見たり、買い物したりしました(ともだちと えいがを みたりかいものしたり しました)。" means "(I did many things, for example,) I went to the movies with friends and did some shopping."


The conjugation adds "り" to the verb た form.
みます→みた します→した

・💁Explanation of Verb たform ↓↓

And the verb "します" is added at the end of the sentence.

"します" is conjugated.
For example, "します" is used for future or custom, "しました" for the past, and "したい" to express what you want to do.

※"〜たり〜たり" may be used up to two times in a sentence, but in spoken language, three or more may be used, or the final "します" may be omitted.


1. きむらさんは、毎晩、本を読んだり、音楽を聞いたりします
Kimura-san reads books or listens to music every night.

2. 冬はスキーをしたり、温泉に入ったりします
They might ski or enjoy hot springs in winter.

3. 日曜日は教会に行ったり、公園で散歩したりします
On Sundays, I go to church and take a walk in the park.

4. 子どもたちは友達と一緒に公園で遊んだり、おしゃべりしたりします
Children play and chat with friends in the park.

5. 祭りではおどったり、うたったりします
People dance and sing at the festival.

6. 去年の夏は海で泳いだり、かき氷を食べたりしました
Last summer we swam in the ocean and ate shaved ice.

7. 誕生日パーティーで友達とケーキを食べたり、ゲームをしたりしました
I ate cake and played games with my friends at my birthday party.

8. 土曜日はテレビを見たり、公園で運動したりしました
I watched TV and exercised in the park on last Saturday.

9. 旅行では写真を撮ったり、おいしい料理を食べたりしたいです
I would like to take pictures and eat good food during my trip.

10. 来年の春は花見をしたり、ピクニックをしたりしたいです
Next spring I would like to go cherry blossom viewing and have a picnic.