~てきます【Japanese grammar commentary】


Elementary grammar

Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!

Let's study Japanese grammar together.


You have come to see a movie with your friend.
There is still time before the movie starts.
You feel the need to go to the restroom.
In such a case, you should say to your friend like this "ちょっとトイレへ行ってきます(ちょっと トイレへ いってきます)。"

Today let's learn about "〜てきます".


"〜てきます" is used to express that you have left your current location to perform some action and then come back.

ちょっとトイレへ行ってきます(ちょっと トイレへ いってきます)。" means "I'm going to go to the restroom for a minute (and I'll be back after that)."


The conjugation adds "きます" to the verb てform.

・💁Explanation of Verb てform ↓↓


1. そこのコンビニでお茶を買ってきます
  I will buy tea at the convenience store there.

2. 公園で散歩してきます
  I'm going for a walk in the park.

3. 銀行でお金をおろしてきます
  I'm going to the bank and withdraw money.

4. 図書館で本を借りてきました。 
  I checked out a book from the library.

5. お風呂に入ってきます
  I'm going to take a bath.

6. 少し疲れましたから、部屋で休んできます
  I'm a little tired, so I'm going to go rest in my room.

7. 今日は天気がいいですから、バイクで出かけてきます
  It's a beautiful day, so I'm going out on my bike.

8. 外に出て、昼ご飯を食べてきてもいいですか。
  Can I go out and have lunch?